Founded in 1939, Kibbutzim College is an initiative of Israel’s collective kibbutz movement to establish a training seminar for school and pre-school teachers. Its educational approach is based on teaching as an ensemble encompassing the school, the community and the natural world.
Today we are Israel’s largest academic college, with over 6,000 students each year in a variety of innovative study programs in the field of education. As we celebrate our 75th anniversary, we are proud to say that one out of every four educators in Israel is a Kibbutzim College graduate, among them several prizewinners for the outstanding quality of their educational and artistic work.
Our goal is to train broad-minded, values-oriented, and influential educators who will be able to bring meaningful innovative projects and reforms into the education system.
The college offers a wide range of degrees and specializations for B.Ed and M.Ed degrees, as well as retraining of academics for teaching, and a selection of other training programs and continuing education courses.
The College believes in combining creativity and excellence with values of tolerance and mutual respect, and for many years has maintained its high standing in nationwide student union polls as one of the three most preferred academic institutions for the quality of its faculty and its treatment of students.
Today we are Israel’s largest academic college, with over 6,000 students each year in a variety of innovative study programs in the field of education. As we celebrate our 75th anniversary, we are proud to say that one out of every four educators in Israel is a Kibbutzim College graduate, among them several prizewinners for the outstanding quality of their educational and artistic work.
Our goal is to train broad-minded, values-oriented, and influential educators who will be able to bring meaningful innovative projects and reforms into the education system.
The college offers a wide range of degrees and specializations for B.Ed and M.Ed degrees, as well as retraining of academics for teaching, and a selection of other training programs and continuing education courses.
The College believes in combining creativity and excellence with values of tolerance and mutual respect, and for many years has maintained its high standing in nationwide student union polls as one of the three most preferred academic institutions for the quality of its faculty and its treatment of students.
Dr. Tina Waldman Dr. Efrat Harel
Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts 149 Namir Road Tel Aviv 62507 Israel |